Better everything

Don't you hate it when big orgasm-farming corporation hires you but the UI sucks?

Yeah, me too...

This update includes:

  • a lot of UI polishing
  • (what I hope is) better UX
  • weekly production goals, which make endless mode work
  • improved performance visualisation
  • more events
  • sticky notes
  • greatly improved save serialisation

The original game was made in 10 days, this is basically what it could have been with 10 extra days.

There were a lot of bug fixes and technical improvements, with these solved, I plan to focus on writing events that enable greater player agency, and on improving the existing story content.

Please do report any bug, typo or annoyance you encounter!

(almost released a version that was fully unplayable on Chromium-based browsers)

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64 days ago 517 kB
64 days ago

Get Big-O

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